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Spire Together


In these times of uncertainty, we invite you to focus instead on these certainties in life: community, creativity and Christ!

Join us as we fellowship daily at all times of the day on our new slack community: Spire Together! Join today and be sure to sign up using your First and Last name so that people can find you!As a platform for inspiration and encouragement, we’ll have channels for crits, prayer, local spire chapters, jobs, and more! And in the coming days and weeks you’ll start seeing Spire posts in the slack platform for livestreams and videos, as well as conversations with special guests from the Spire network answering your questions about their work and processes!Spire Together is our answer to the change happening around us – it’s a place for every creative, so be sure to invite any friends or fellow creatives in need of care and community to this new space – we’ll see you there, as we #spiretogether!

In Him,
The Spire Team