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Fearless Failure Recap

This September, Spire had the privilege of hosting Fearless Failure at As We Dwell in Little Tokyo Arts District in Los Angels with over 70 members in attendance.

Moderated by Sarah Jung (As We Dwell), panelists Chris Sequira (Disney), Melinda Livsey (The Futur, Marks & Maker) and Patricio Fuentes (Gelcomm) shared how failure shaped and impacted their design careers. They all expressed how failure, through the lens of faith, can be transformative instead of destructive. Check out some of their quotes below.

I’m not defined by my failures. But I’m also not defined by my successes. If you fail, it just means you have something to learn and is not a reflection of who you are!

- Melinda Livsey, The Futur, Marks & Maker

For me, there are two levels of getting back up. 1) Go to your mentors and peers. 2) Get back to work. Just start and move forward.

- Patricio Fuentes, Gelcomm

Don’t go halfway and fail just a little bit. Go in full force even if you know you’re going to fail at it – at least you tried something new.

- Chris Sequeira, Disney